
One Project, One Complementary Team

14 October 2021

Yesterday, over 30 Averians came together for a full-day video shoot – a part of the production for a company video. The Communication team in Averis led the video shoot, which was carried out in two separate teams concurrently taking various shots featuring our colleagues in different settings and showcasing our workplace. There was so much running around, rehearsals and trials, laughter, and even getting to know one another for some of us who are new.

Complementary Team is one of the most important T.O.P.I.C.C. core values in Averis, and the teamwork during this video shoot was exemplary of this very value. The team was split into smaller groups for different shooting scenes. Although the shoot was a full-day itinerary, everyone involved was cooperative and very eager, sporting, and enthusiastic whilst taking part!

By the end of the day, the shoot was wrapped up as scheduled. Although it was a tiring day, many colleagues called and texted us to tell us they had fun and that they felt it was an exciting day for them. We are so glad you feel this way because we sure do too. We are looking forward to more projects that calls for teamwork and dedication of a Complementary Team to spice up our #LifeAtAveris! After all, in Averis, #TeamWorkIsMagic.